Pyrite Oxidation: 4 FeS2 + 15 O2 +14 H2O 4 Fe(OH)3 (s) + 8 H2SO4 (1)
Pyrite + Oxygen + Water Ferric Hydroxide + Sulfuric Acid
Ferrous Oxidation: 4 Fe2+ + O2 + 4 H+ 4 Fe3+ + 2 H2O (2)
Ferrous Iron + Oxygen + Protons Ferric Iron + Water
Iron Hydrolysis: 4 Fe3+ + 12 H2O 4 Fe(OH)3(s) + 12 H+ (3)
Ferric Iron +Water Ferric Hydroxide + Protons
Pyrite Oxidation: FeS2 + 14 Fe3+ + 8 H2O 15 Fe2+ + 2 SO42- + 16 H+ (4)
Pyrite + Ferric Iron + Water Ferrous Iron + Sulfate + Protons
Acid Mine Drainage has proven
to have significant environmental challenges as its roots stem from the process
of mining certain natural resources. The mining process exposes iron sulfide
and unremoved coal contained in sandstone. Therefore results in natural
oxidation of the sulphide minerals being exposed to the atmosphere and water
forming soluble hyrdous iron sulphates. The water acts as a medium for the
transfer of oxidation to occur. As well as this there are forms of bacteria
that contribute. The end results are yellow and white crystals that hold a low
PH therefore highly acidic concentrations of metals and sulphates content
around Ph 2.3 to 6.5. (Microbiology of fly acid mine drainage co-disposal
process. Eloise M.R.Kuhn. November 2005).
Acid Mine drainage affects the
surface and underground water systems while also impacting on land usage
through agriculture. The acidity
and metal toxity has an obvious wide spread side effect impacting aquatic life
and riverbeds far beyond the original source. As mentioned before the soluble
deposits result in an orange reddish colour. This sedimentation occurs due to
the precipitation of iron oxides and hydroxides. It is often called Ochre found
at the bottom covering the riverbeds with fine silt therefore aquatic organisms
can no longer feed. This is disruptive to the life cycle of animals and plants
as in the environmental world everything is closely linked and therefore
impacting on one another. Once in the river systems the acidic solubles (acid mine
drainage) can be transported in the underground water systems or rivers nation
wide. This rises the possibility of contaminating drinking water and reaching
the river mouths and therefore having negative effects on marine life.
(Acid Mine Drainage and its
control. Pertha Das Sharma).
From the beginning mining has
had an effect on the environment. The exploration of field surveys and research
involves clearing of land and drilling which essentially has the risk of
contributing to exposing high metal content. Once exposed these metals begin
the process of oxidization and ultimately lead to acid mine drainage. On mine
sites there are storage ponds from clearing the exploded soils, which in tern
may become contaminated and then seep into the water systems. (Acid Mine
Drainage and its control. Pertha Das Sharma).
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