Sunday 22 April 2012

Local Favorite...

Carte Blanche a local South African television program that discusses issues around the country caught onto the acid mine problem. In March 2011 the show spoke to Richard Doyle the managing director of Earth. His solution and perspective to the solution is somewhat different. The trend that Carte Blanch uncovered is that private companies were exploiting the issue of acid mine water to benefit sales of water purifiers and other similar technologies. Richard Doyle says that what differentiates their company is that they focus on the salt problem as well as purifying water. His company is turning the salts into fertilizers and explosives and its attracting a lot of interest from overseas. What's best about his solutions thus far is that it creates it's own income and will not cost the taxpayer the money to fix the AMD problem.” (Carte Blanche. March 6th 2011).

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